Thursday, 27 June 2013


This blog has been sorely neglected of late.  Life is extremely busy for us as a family at the moment and I cannot even begin to remember when I last sewed at all!  Roll on school holidays and annual leave - the former is still over three weeks away and the latter more!

Even if I haven't managed any sewing (and it's not as if I don't have any sewing to do) I have managed baking and knitting.

A mountain of scones - plain and fruit.  Am thinking of making some cherry ones for the weekend....mmmm!

I've also managed to complete a pair of knitted socks!

 These were made as a Father's Day gift for my Dad and were well received.  The yarn is by Regia.  I must say that, in my opinion, socks are the ultimate knitting project - they are portable and quick.  The pattern is easy to remember and the self-striping yarn maintains my interest because I never know what's coming next!  I pretty much always have a pair of socks on the go as well as many other things!

Speaking of other things I'm hoping the postman might bring me some wool-containing packages later.  It is very important to start planning Summer Holiday Knitting before the hiatus starts :-).

Monday, 17 June 2013


Yes, this does seem an unseasonal title for a blog post what with it being mid June.  Snowflake is a lovely, lovely jumper I've made my youngest niece.  I've been knitting a lot of late - I find knitting a more portable and sociable crafting activity.

I loved every minute of knitting this jumper.  You can see why it is called 'Snowflake' what with the lacy yoke and the Christmas colour theme!

The pattern is a Ravelry download by Tin Can Knits - they have the most wonderful collection of patterns.  One of the great things about their collection of patterns is the vast size range - this one ranged from 0-6 months to adult sizes.  I think I'll be making one for my 8 year old for the Winter season! 

I used Rowan's newish yarn, softknit cotton, for 'Snowflake', it is (as the name implies) lovely and soft and contrary to a lot of other cotton yarns, is not like knitting with string!!  The whole garment is knitted in the round, even the sleeves, so there is no need for seaming at the end :-).

While knitting has been productive, sewing has been progressing slowly in comparison.  However, I do have an entire baby quilt cut out ready to piece and a FWQ block ready for sewing so I do hope I'll find some time this week to get them done.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


I've fallen behind with my Farmer's Wife Quilt. I don't know when I last made a block before today. Last week was half-term holiday so little sewing was done. Also we've had nearly a week of glorious weather making it very difficult to sit inside at my sewing table! This afternoon I had a little hour to spare after a lovely lunch out and the busy boy slept. And here is the result:

It's known as Country Path and was a joy to make! I probably need to give attention to a couple of points (maybe...) but I love the red, white and blue scheme.

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