Tuesday 14 October 2014

Varsity Socks

The 'new' term is no longer that new.  School is in full swing and parking there is increasingly difficult because of it's proximity to the University.  However, the weather has been largely good allowing plenty of walking to and from school and I love the hustle bustle of my local area, especially as Autumn deepens.

The above socks were made as a gift for my friend's daughter who has just started University in Bristol.  Moving away at 18 is such a big step - I remember being so desperately homesick for the whole of my first term at University.  There is nothing better at such a time as surrounding oneself with a few home comforts and what better comfort than a pair of hand knitted socks!

The pattern is the basic Regia 4-ply sock pattern and the wool is Fortissima Socka stars and stripes.  I've had it in my stash for a while but it was perfect for a new student who is a lover of all things American.  It really is the time of year for sock knitting!