Monday 16 May 2011

Rainbow Cake

I haven't updated my blog for a few weeks. It has not been due to the lack of creative process - just lack of time! I am lucky these days if my body makes contact with some form of chair - life is busy! Fortunately, I love busy - I hate being at a loose end!

Last week my big girl turned six (sob!) - where DID the time go?! I can't quite believe it! We celebrated on her actual birthday with a meal out at Castellamare and then a small tea party with three friends last Saturday. It was the most civilised party I have ever hosted - the girls needed very little entertaining and played happily together (with a little bit of help from husband who instigated a game of 'find the daddy').

I have been wanting to make a rainbow cake for ages but have either lacked the time or occasion to do so. A certain big girl's birthday was the perfect opportunity. Firstly, I baked 6 thin yet colourful sponges

Admittedly, a real rainbow has seven colours but I thought it might be difficult to differentiate between indigo and violet so I settled with six colours instead. I basically made a double batch of victoria sponge mix, separating the mixture into six bowls and colouring accordingly.

Secondly, I sandwiched the layers with vanilla buttercream before covering the whole cake.

Thirdly, the cake was covered with sugarpaste and decorated with a 'Hello Kitty' figure I made from sugarpaste, and lots and lots of flowers.

It was very much admired and consumed by four hungry little girls!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant!! Any pictures of the inside of the cake - ie the rainbow slice? but perhaps it was devoured too quickly! I once made traffic light jelly for Fred which he loved.
