Sunday 20 January 2013


I have a medical degree, so does my husband.  My next statement holds no medical water whatsoever, but, I never should have gone out in the snow on Friday! We are a sick household.  The two little ones are OK but the two adults have fared badly.  Last night, the little ones went to bed at 6,30pm (!) while the adults, wiped out, shivering and snotty, sat in bed watching episodes of Babylon 5.  A certain Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper would not be impressed.

I thought I would drop in quickly to share the two blocks I accomplished this week.  If I'm completely honest I confess to making three.  One of the two blocks I decided to make was a big disaster so I chose an extra, backup, one just in case I was defeated.  I'm pleased to say, I triumphed!

All the blocks had some pale background fabric in them so I've taken the liberty of photographing them on a brighter background.  I must say I quite like the results!

 This is 'Maple Leaf', a quick and straightforward block

Oops, there it a giant white thread resting on it.  I am a very thready quilter - I am very bad at remembering to trim my long threads after piecing.  I often end up with a bird's nest effect on the back of my blocks and if I do remember to trim the excess thread I usually go on the school run covered in them...

Now for 'Farmer's Daughter':

Oh my, this gave me a headache.  I was pretty daunted by all the little pieces and I was very surprised when it went together in an acceptable fashion.  However, when I measured my block against the others it was nowhere near the unfinished 6.5" square required.  It was just shy of 6 inches!!  I undid and redid the block, paying close attention to my seams but still it finished small.  Then I had a brainwave - my busy little boy has a fondness for sitting at the computer and pressing various combinations of keys and mouse buttons.  On further investigation I discovered that the printer settings had been changed.  The templates for this block were very slightly off but enough to cause me a serious headache.  A little printer adjustment later and all was well.

I so nearly threw in the towel, which is why I made the (much easier) backup block that follows.  I'm so glad I persevered because I don't want lots of difficult blocks to complete at the end!


I wonder if this block is a bit bland.  It doesn't really have that 'jumping out' factor as the colours are calm and understated.  However, I have plenty of other bright blocks made and I probably need a bit of muted in the mix.  If it really doesn't work with the other blocks, then it's simple enough to redo without much of a headache!!

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