Tuesday 15 March 2011

Tuesday Morning Elevenses

I love Tuesday mornings. My friend Cath, who lives around the corner and is like a sister to me, and I share the school runs between us during the week. Tuesday is Cath's day off from work so I am responsible for walking the children to school. I am quite a morning person (if I'm not tooooo tired!) and I like to be up and about and organized,so Tuesday mornings are great for me. We are out of the door by 8.30 a.m and enjoy a brisk walk to school. This morning, the early spring sunshine meant it was just glorious. After dropping off I can stop at the shops or post office to run errands and still be home by 9.30 - plenty of time to get a few jobs done before Noah needs a feed.

Mid-morning I stop for a cup of tea and elevenses - a tradition that goes back to my childhood - my father, who worked from home would always stop working mid-morning for a drink and a snack. This morning's offering was crumpets, in the absence of teacakes which is the ultimate choice for me! During elevenses I will generally amend my eternal 'to do' list or do some menu palnning for the rest of the week but today has found me indulging in some magazine reading!

'Vignette' is a new Australian magazine by designer Leanne Beasley. Published quarterly, it is full of sewing, crafting and homemaking inspiration. I had completely forgotten it was in the post so it was a lovely surprise this morning. I am very taken with the hexagon quilt in this issue and I am tempted to start my own using up the fabric scraps I seam to be hoarding. It seems quite a portable project as the hexagons are hand sewn and formed using english paper piecing. It could be a wonderful heirloom project...

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